For a regular tetrahedron of edge length a:
Face area
Height of pyramid[3]
Edge to opposite edge distance
Face-vertex-edge angle
Face-edge-face angle[2]
Edge central angle,[4][5] known as thetetrahedral angle
Solid angle at a vertex subtended by a face
Radius of circumsphere[2]
Radius of exspheres
Distance to exsphere center from the opposite vertex
Face area
Height of pyramid[3]
Edge to opposite edge distance
Face-vertex-edge angle
Face-edge-face angle[2]Edge central angle,[4][5] known as thetetrahedral angle
Solid angle at a vertex subtended by a face
Radius of circumsphere[2]
Find the volume of an irregular tetrahedron form its edges:
Suppose you are given the 6 sides of an irregular tetrahedron and you need to find the volume consumed by it.
Let the given sides to be u, v, w, W, V, U. Here, (u, U), (v, V), (w, W) are considered to be opposite edge pairs ( opposite edges means the edges which do not share common vertices ). Now the volume can be found from the following formula:
u′ = v² + w² - U²
v′ = w² + u² - V²
w′ = u² + v² - W²
volume = 1⁄12 × √(4u²v²w² - u²u′² - v²v′² - w²w′² + u′v′w′)
This formula is derived from the determinant which can be found here for more reading. As the formula is symmetric, the ordering of the pairs won't make any change to the formula.
u′ = v² + w² - U²
v′ = w² + u² - V²
w′ = u² + v² - W²
volume = 1⁄12 × √(4u²v²w² - u²u′² - v²v′² - w²w′² + u′v′w′)
This formula is derived from the determinant which can be found here for more reading. As the formula is symmetric, the ordering of the pairs won't make any change to the formula.